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An Overview of Superfoods for Losing Weight

By Stephany Alcala

When it comes to superfoods, one of the things known about them is that they they can help you get to a healthy weight. It's only fairly recently that science is catching up with nature through various studies and research. For hundreds of years, people knew exactly what was good for their health and passed that knowledge from generation to generation. Not only can you reach your target weight, but you will be making your entire body stronger and healthier.

We have mentioned yogurt in other article series about superfoods and weight loss, but we want to say more because there's a lot to talk about with yogurt. Today, however, we'd like to discuss another kind of yogurt, one that's much older than the yogurt most of us know today. This older form of yogurt originates from Russia. It's called Kefir, and while it's not a well-known kind of yogurt, it is actually one of the healthiest around. If you've never had Kefir before, it's very different from the yogurt you're familiar with. The consistency of Kefir is very different from the regular yogurt drinks in the West. It's also an excellent source of calcium, vitamins, minerals, and probiotic bacteria. Are you a veggie lover? You probably love broccoli. It's incredibly healthy but here's more good news: broccoli is a superfood that helps with weight loss. You can eat broccoli in a number of ways. Also, you can eat broccoli raw. All you need to do is cut the broccoli in small pieces and they're good to go as a healthy snack. You don't want to eat your broccoli with fatty dips, though. One good idea that's very tasty is dipping them in non-fat yogurts and even mix in some healthy berries. Broccoli has a very high fiber content, which makes it a superfood. Also, broccoli is rich in vitamins that promote fat loss: vitamins A, C, and K.

A nutritious superfood that is great for encouraging weight loss is the sweet potato. This food is much better for you than regular potatoes for many reasons. When you bake regular potatoes, they usually don't have any taste.

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It's no wonder people love to put lots of butter and salt on their baked potatoes. With sweet potatoes, well... they are not called sweet for no reason. Don't put anything on baked sweet potatoes and you'll see that they already taste better as they are. Another thing about sweet potatoes is that they've got lots of minerals and vitamins. They're especially high in vitamin A. Sweet potatoes are also a rich source of potassium. All these things help make sweet potatoes wonderful for promoting a healthy heart.

If you want to see long-term weight loss, you need to eat plenty of plant superfoods. Health is a central benefit of eating a plant-based diet. The reason is because most of them have specific factors that target certain organs and diseases. Whatever your health condition or goal may be, do some research about the best plants for you.

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