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Smart Ways to Reduce Calories and Still Eat Good Foods

By Harry Drake

We know how frustrating so many people are who try to shed excess weight, and sometime it does not seem as simple as calories burned versus calories consumed, etc. A lot of things can complicate that formula, not to mention deciding what to cut out and how much exercise to do. The first thought and action is to start cutting back on how many calories you consume.

However, you definitely should do that in the best way you can. Coincidentally enough, dropping the calorie count in a way that remains healthy is what we are about to talk about. Water is ideal for getting liquids in your body, and that is very well known. If you looked for calories in water, you will not ever find any assuming nothing has been added to it. Our bodies are mostly water, and that makes water the very best liquid to ever consume.

Have you ever stopped and checked out the labels on all that you drink? In as little as eight ounces of a soft drink, you can be taking in at least one hundred calories in that. By switching out your soda, coffee, tea, and juice for plain water, you could easily cut at least a few hundred calories from your diet every day. Try eating from a smaller dish that you normally would. Oddly enough this actually works. It is only logical that a dish not filled up will give you room to add food that you did not need. You cannot add extra food onto your plate if there is no room. You will have a reduced intake of the food you eat on a daily basis. Even switching just from a twelve inch plate to a ten inch plate can help you cut your portion sizes by twenty five percent. This, in turn, can help you save upwards of five hundred calories per meal.

Millions of people have the habit of snacking when they watch whatever they do on the TV. We all know how much that contributes to unnecessary calorie intake, so work to bring that one down as much as you can. Decide on one thing that is an activity, and then substitute that for some sedentary behavior like the TV.

Just think about what you do, and this represents can even more calories you can get rid of pretty easily. It is well known that walking is a terrific form of exercise if you are not so into being hardcore about it.

If you look honestly at what you do each day, we know you can find several ways to put more activity into your life so you can get rid of those calories. Try to uplift yourself and be more positive about what you can accomplish because you really can do more if you put your mind to it. There are workouts you can do and enjoy while keeping yourself healthy. You can do a bodily exercise or use equipments like using a home exercise bike machine to assist you in your daily workout. If you have not done any workout for a long time, though, make an appointment with your doctor and get a check-up, first.

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