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Revealing the Myths of Dieting

By Charles Drum

It is quite common to start your diet with a lot of enthusiasm and then to have that same enthusiasm disappear after a couple of weeks when you haven't lost as much weight as you hoped to lose. Sometimes you'll be fortunate and have fast results, but more often it will take more time and persistence. This is why you should learn as much as you can about what actually works in terms of weight loss, no matter what kind of diet that you really want to try.

It is important to practice skepticism whenever anybody tells you that it is possible to lose weight without doing any exercise. There are some diets that suggest that will say this because lots of people want to believe it, even if it isn't true. The fact of the matter is that unless you do some form of exercise regularly it is highly unlikely that you are going to lose any weight at all.

Some starvation diets will leave you feeling too weak to exercise and might help you lose weight temporarily but you won't be able to keep it off for very long. It is much better for you to just accept that exercise is part of weight loss and stop running away from it.

If you often eat out or get takeaway meals, you're doing something that's been shown to make it harder to lose weight. The restaurant you choose doesn't matter; your portions and calorie content are going to be higher than if you had made your own dinner at home. This is true no matter what meal you are eating so if you go out to eat for lunch each day, you might want to think about making your lunches at home and then taking them into work each day as well. This doesn't mean you shouldn't ever treat yourself with a meal out but if you do this often you'll make it harder for yourself to lose weight. There are simply too many temptations and portion sizes that are too big for you to have any success with your diet. In order to increase the likelihood of you finding success with the diet you've chosen you should find a weight loss buddy.

It's a lot easier to stay motivated with your diet and exercise program when you've got someone to talk with about it. You don't have to have the other person tagging after you all day long. It can even be a buddy you find online. It could also be your husband or wife, a colleague or a best friend. The point is to make it a team effort. When one of you has issues, the other is there to offer support. If you live close to each other, you might want do a spinning bike workout in pairs. If you have someone to help you through the tough times, it can make a big difference in keeping the weight off when you lose it. You can find more success with your diet in many ways. If you keep these tips in mind you should find it a lot easier to avoid some of the problems often associated with dieting. People who lose weight and keep it off do so because they understand that it is the long term changes they make to their behaviors and habits that allows them to diet successfully.

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